YITH Best Sellers Premium WooCommerce – Adding a “bestsellers” section to your shop allows you to make sales increase, since you can suggest uncertain customers something that many others have already opted for and that they will probably like.
It’s a function used by the leaders in the field as well such as Amazon and Aliexpress: displaying a section including the best selling products brings a number of advantages, including an increase in sales, a higher average transaction value (thanks also to Cross-Selling and Up-Selling) and an overall better public image of your store. YITH WooCommerce Best Sellers allows you to achieve all of this just in a few clicks!
What can you do with YITH Best Sellers?
- Show administrators the number of sales for each product
In the selected time lapse - Show a sales index for each best-seller product
And spot immediately if sales have been increasing or decreasing - Highlight best selling products with a customisable badge
And show it both on Shop page and product detail page - Show your users the 100 best sellers of each category in your shop
And sort them in category according to the number of sales - Use two widgets to show a list with top 100 best sellers
Or category best sellers - Use a custom icon to highlight your best sellers
Or use the one provided in the plugin instead of the badge - Keep your users always up to date about products in your shop
Thanks to the RSS functionality - Show all best sellers in a slider
Using the available shortcode - Take advantage of the WPML compatibility
You are free to easily translate the plugin with the powerful tool offered by WPML
YITH Best Sellers Premium WooCommerce
File Name | YITH Best Sellers Premium |
Version | 1.22.0 |
License | GPL |
Developer | YITH |
Product | Info |
Domain use | Unlimited |
Updates price | Free update |
Note | N/A |
All items in GPL Good are 100% original and safe, not nulled, not modified or modifications, not malware, not crack, not cheat, not backdoor.
We have copied this article from www.gplgood.com without permission. Visit www.gplgood.com to purchase this item.
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