Bookly, the popular WordPress plugin for online booking management, now offers the Payson addon. This addon enables users to effortlessly integrate the Payson payment solution into their Bookly PRO booking forms, ensuring a convenient and secure payment experience for customers.
Payson Checkout, the heart of this integration, is specifically designed to boost the number of completed transactions. It supports payments via online bank accounts or credit cards, providing customers with multiple options to make payments.
By incorporating Payson with Bookly PRO, businesses can offer their clients a reliable method of paying for their bookings directly on their websites. This removes the need for customers to rely on external payment gateways or third-party platforms, streamlining the entire booking process.
With the Payson addon for Bookly PRO, businesses can enhance their customer experience and build trust by providing a seamless and secure payment solution. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual payment processing and give your clients the convenience they deserve. Upgrade your Bookly PRO experience today with the Payson addon and take your online bookings to the next level.
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Bookly Payson Add-on WordPress Plugin
File Name | Bookly Payson (Add-on) |
Version | 3.4 |
License | GPL |
Developer | Bookly (Nota-info) (Visit) |
Product info | View details → |
Domain/Site | Unlimited Sites |
Updates price | Free update |
Note | This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO plugin. Please make sure the Bookly PRO plugin is installed and activated before installing this addon. |
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